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Roger W.
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Nicht geprüfte Angebote 1
New listing
18. 10. - 16. 11. (30 Tagen)
41  / night
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Über mich
I have a local check-in manager to run our Salobreña property, who will always be available for any issues. Apart from owning and running this self-catering property, I also have extensive experience in tourism, Spain and Portugal and of course apartment rentals. I am always on hand to help my clients, and will do my best to reply within 24 hours to all messages. I speak English, Spanish, Portuguese and can understand written French & Italian. I will always be available via phone or message, and our check-in manager can provide personal assistance if necessary.

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9 Monaten
Registrierung zu Flatio
Mai 2023

Roger ist geprüfter Besitzer.
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