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Joao F.
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Nicht geprüfte Angebote 1
StayProtection + Stay Benefits
New listing
14. 7. - 23. 7. (10 Tagen)
50  / night
Alle Versorgungsleistungen inklusive
Über mich
The experience of welcoming guests and tenants since 2017 has been fantastic and enriching because it allows us to meet and welcome people from different parts of the world and different cultures. Orlanda and I try to create, in our spaces, a welcoming and pleasant environment with everything needed to make people feel comfortable. We want people to feel that they are very welcome.
Gosto imenso de viajar, de caminhar, de ler, de cinema.

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16 Stunden
Registrierung zu Flatio
April 2024

Joao ist geprüfter Besitzer.
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