Günstige Unterkunft in Radovići, Montenegro - Flatio
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Renting flats, houses, and rooms - Radovići - Montenegro

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Tiffany studio, close to Lustica bay
Tiffany studio, close to Lustica bay
Tiffany studio, close to Lustica bay
Tiffany studio, close to Lustica bay
Tiffany studio, close to Lustica bay
Tiffany studio, close to Lustica bay
Tiffany studio, close to Lustica bay
StayProtection + Stay Benefits
Wohnung · Tiffany studio, close to Lustica bay WiFi 150/49 Mbps · Local bar within a 3-minute walk
17. 1. - 16. 4. (90 days)
22  / night

1 914  total + 241  one-time service fee

Alle Versorgungsleistungen inklusive · No deposit